Cute Pink Kaoani

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Gah... here I went, typing a lot for the comic strip, then accidentally clicking back. ><

I don't plan to type the same thing. This comic strip can serve as FAQ's since a lot of dangos ask me why I scoop up dangos. That said, enjoy!

Edit: Oh, some got saved: "Well, here goes the third finished comic strip. It'll prolly take a while before I add any more. I finished the supposedly second strip (based on the plan). I stole the pics in the dango song... I wonder if I could get sued for that. Hope not.

Anyway, enjoy!"

Edit 2: I just found out the picture does not fully show. Maybe it's just the browser. Anyway, just click the pictures to view them properly.


I had a planned sequence for my comic strips, but decided to upload the supposedly latter strips early. The reason being that the planned early strips are too difficult to draw, if I'm not just going to steal them from the internet.

Oh well, enjoy!

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Beginning of Dango!